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Prison Ministry

Addressing the needs of Prison Ministry, especially at the Lackawanna County Prison, has been a concern of the Ministerium since the early 2000s.


In the Fall of 2015, Rabbi Daniel Swartz of Temple Hesed asked if there was a specific project his Congregation could support through their special collection at the High Holy Days.  They quickly focused on the Inside Out Parenting Program, developed by the Fatherhood Initiative specifically for inmate populations.


Rabbi Moishe Saks of Temple Israel also volunteered a contribution, and the Ministerium itself provided the final grant that made purchase of the Program possible.


One copy of the Facilitator's Guide was  provided to the Staff of the Lackawanna County Prison, another copy was provided to EOTC [since 2018 known as OUTREACH Community Services] to use in their contracted services at the Prison.

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