Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Every year, Friends of the Poor coordinates a series of activities around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
An Interfaith Service has for many years been the official beginning of these activities. St. Peter's Cathedral in downtown Scranton was the location of this service, held at 12:10 on the Monday before Thanksgiving.
In 2017, it was decided to try to engage a broader cross-section of the local community in this service by moving it to an evening at a location with convenient parking. Temple Hesed volunteered to host the service by adapting their normal Friday evening Sabbath service at 7 PM.
The program in November 2017 did involve increased participation, and so it was continued in November 2018, this time with the additional a pot-luck supper at 6 pm. The enthusiastic participation at this service has led to plans for November 2019 to again be hosted at Temple Hesed, 2 Knox Road in Scranton.
The 2017 Service was recorded by Electric City Television and broadcast through their cable channel. It can be viewed on You Tube.